After 40 years Project 6 Sheffield is moving from Abbeydale Road to our new home at Cumberland Street.
Since September 20023, we have been delivering our services in Sheffield from both Abbeydale Road and Cumberland St as we prepared to move all our operations to the new site. We can confirm that from Thursday 27th June 2024 we will be leaving Abbeydale Road.
The decision to move has been made in part to ensure our premises reflect our values. The new building will provide us with the opportunity to create a more welcoming social environment while continuing to offer our current service provision. The new site includes a café space which will allow us to offer a wider range of activities and challenge the stigma people experience when coming to our service. Cumberland St location in the city centre will also provide greater accessibility for people in Sheffield.
Leaving Abbeydale Road comes with some sadness for both staff and the people who access support there. Over the years thousands of people have walked through the front door and although the projects and support has changed, it has always provided everyone with a non-judgemental and compassionate welcome. We have been pleased to commission designer Georgia Burns to work with us to create a series of artworks inspired by Abbeydale Road to display at our new home.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Groups and activities will continue to run as normal at Abbeydale Road until Thursday 27th June 2024. From Monday 1st July, The ARC and Fresh Start services will be delivered from 24 Cumberland St, Sheffield, S1 4PT