Satisfaction Survey 2023

Each year we ask the people who use our services how they feel we are performing against our key long-term outcomes:

  • Improved physical health and wellbeing
  • Improved mental health and wellbeing
  • Improved family relationships
  • Improved community connectedness
  • Improved life chances

This is what the people who responded to our survey told us, since coming to Project 6:

93.7% agreed their physical health has improved
95.2% agreed their mental health has improved
I feel more optimistic about my ability to have a positive future: 37.1 % strongly agree, 52.3% agree
88.75 of people feel more connected to their community
96.8% feel treated as an equal
95.2% feel respected and not judged
96.8% of people felt that coming to Project 6 gives them hope