by Jon Gooch | Aug 14, 2023 | Uncategorised
Sheffield Recovery Awards recognise the contributions and achievements of individuals which have made a difference in their own, or someone else’s lives in connection to recovery. Across our city we have a thriving and dedicated recovery community, we believe...
by Jon Gooch | Aug 2, 2023 | Articles, News & Articles
The first of our three values is, ‘People Matter’, underneath this is defined as: We instil hope We create safe, caring spaces where people can flourish We trust each other We welcome difference and treat people equally, honestly and fairly We recognise and stand up...
by Jon Gooch | Aug 1, 2023 | News, News & Articles, Uncategorised
We are pleased to announce the launch of new service in Sheffield offering advice and support for people struggling with alcohol and other drug use. On 1st August 2023 Likewise will open its doors, the partnership between Humankind and Project 6 will provide free,...
by Jon Gooch | Jul 5, 2023 | Articles, News & Articles
With the rising cost of almost everything, it’s not hard to see why the theme for this year’s Alcohol Awareness Week is, ‘Alcohol and Cost’. We have a set of circumstances where more people from across the economic spectrum are feeling the bite from high inflation....
by Jon Gooch | Jun 28, 2023 | Alcohol, Concerned Others, Drug, Keighley, Recovery, Services
How we can help New Vision Bradford is the alcohol and drug service for adults in the Bradford district. We help people choose not to misuse alcohol and drugs and reduce risk-taking behaviour through dedicated prevention, intervention and support. We will support you...