Project 6 Back on the Road

Project 6 Back on the Road

Local businesses have helped show the power of communities by coming together to help provide Project 6 with a fantastic set of wheels. Last year we were gifted a minibus for us to provide a much needed, mobile support space. The vehicle needed a bit of work...
Looking After Wellbeing

Looking After Wellbeing

What a year… 365 days where everything become ‘unprecedented’, when we rediscovered the simple things in life then came to resent them, when we saw the value of communities and local services and a year when mental health and wellbeing started to become a...
SMS Leaving Project 6

SMS Leaving Project 6

It is with sadness we announce this month we will be saying goodbye to the Specialist Mentoring Service. Over the past four years SMS has recruited and trained volunteer mentors to work with vulnerable young people across Sheffield. Over this time mentors have...

Coronavirus Update

  Updated 26/07/21 Service Updates, Contact Numbers, Government Advice     Service Updates  Following the government update on 19/07/21 announcing the lifting on many of the national lockdown restrictions, Project 6 has been continuing to review...
Recovering Our Stories – Giveaway

Recovering Our Stories – Giveaway

Thank you everyone who entered our Recovering Our Stories Giveaway. We had 3 winners, each receiving a pack of pize curtesy of Glenn Hustler. An illustrated tote bagAn illustrated shirt in your choice of size (available: s/m/l/xl) 5 illustrated postcards5...
Dry January 2021

Dry January 2021

Dry January, for some an energising way to kick off the new year, for others annual penance for Christmas over indulgence. Whatever your motivation, stopping drinking alcohol for a whole month might be tougher than expected, we’ve put together some tips inspired by...